Community Management Agency on Instagram in Geneva

This social network is particularly popular among young mobile users and is a very interesting communication tool for brands.

This is mainly due to the popularity of the application in many countries as well as the possibilities offered to advertisers to convey their messages through different formats.

In addition, this social network gives companies the opportunity to target the audience of their ads very precisely, whether it be socio-demographic, geo-localized or interest-based targeting.

For all these reasons, you could take advantage of this platform and seek the services of our Community Management agency on Instagram in Geneva.


Why choose us?

First of all, our Swiss digital agency has a strong experience in managing Instagram accounts. On this social platform, we have helped several brands from different industries to define and implement an adapted communication strategy. These professionals have renewed their trust in us, this loyalty illustrates our ability to animate a community around your brand. In addition, we provide regular performance reports, so you can easily measure the effectiveness of our actions on Instagram.

Case study

A few months ago, a Geneva-based company asked us to boost their visibility. They were posting too few visuals and the images they were sharing were not attracting the interest of the application's users. We understood the nature of their activity and selected with them photos in the air of time. Gradually, the number of followers increased. To encourage their engagement, we encouraged them to identify the advertiser's products that interested them most. In addition, our community manager has used perfectly targeted advertising campaigns and has optimized landing pages in order to convert qualified traffic.

FAQ Community Management Agency in Geneva

❓ What is Instagram?

Instagram refers to a free social network in which its members have the opportunity to share photos and videos. It is owned by Facebook and materializes as a smartphone application, although it remains accessible on a desktop computer.

😎 Instagram c's for whom?

Instagram is a mainstream social network, it is likely to be used by a wide spectrum of internet users. However, the vast majority of its followers are under 49 years old. Fitness, sports, ready-to-wear and beauty/wellness brands are among those who use this social networking service the most to communicate about their offers.